St Oswald's CofE Academy

"I can do all things through him who gives me strength"

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Year 4 Class 2023/24

We have been making pictures in frames in Forest School!

We have been learning about circuits in science! Using bulbs, wires, batteries, switches, buzzers, and motors.

Welcome to Year 4!


Who's Who?

Mrs Wardle - Class Teacher

Mrs Stothard - Teaching Assistant

Mrs A - Teaching Assistant



Children should be reading regularly to an adult at home - a minimum of 3 times per week. Children are responsible for changing their own reading book at any suitable time throughout the week. Reading records are checked every Friday and the number of times your child has read is noted down. Reading is rewarded with a reading certificate after every 20th log in their record.


Spellings & Times Tables

Children will be given spellings practice on Fridays, Spellings will be tested on the following Thursday. It is recommended that spellings are practised for a short period daily. When testing times tables, focus on facts that children are unable to recall automatically, all children have access to Times Tables Rockstars and should be practising for 10 minutes each day. All year 4s in the country have a multiplication assessment at the end of the year and this is the best way to practice for that.



PE lessons will take place every Tuesday afternoon. Children should come to school wearing their full PE kit (navy/black joggers or shorts, house colour/white t-shirt, and dark jogging top or blue school jumper). If children arrive in the wrong PE kit, they may be asked to change into a spare school PE kit.


Summer Term - 2023



This half term we are looking at the book "The Water Horse" by Dick King-Smith. This connects to our Geography projects on rivers. We will be writing a narrative  on our own adventure story and a report on the events of the story.



In the Summer Term, we are starting by looking at decimals, tenths and hundredths. We will be dividing, adding, and subtracting decimals.


We will be having a timestable assessment at the end of year 4, as all children in the country will, we have been practicing our timestable in a weekly quiz and on times table rockstars.

Please find websites further below which offer valuable practice for maths.



Our science unit is Living Things and their Habitats. The National Curriculum states children should be taught to:

  • recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways
  • explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment
  • recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things


Discussion or observation at home around these topics will support children in school. A fantastic online resource to explore this can be found at: Living things and their habitats - KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize



Our Geography topic is the Water Adventures. This topic will run throughout the whole of Summer Term. This will explore where and how water comes from, the water cycle, rivers in our local area, major rivers in the UK, and major rivers in the world. We will also be looking into how people around the world may find it challenging to find clean water.


Religious Education

In the first half term, we will be looking at the pentecost and how Christians see the Kingdom of God on Earth. We will be making links between the Kingdom of God in the Bible and what people believe about following God today.


In the second half term, we will be looking at how some people view life as a journey and how different faiths view this journey. We will think about different important milestones in people's lives and how people show commitment to their community and ideas.



This half term, we are looking at photo editing and how repetition functions in developing games.


Online Maths Games

Please find a range of resources to support your child in maths.

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (

Year 4 Maths - BBC Bitesize

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks

1-Minute Maths App | White Rose Maths

5-a-day – Corbettmaths Primary

