Whilst there is no longer a legal requirement to self isolate due to Covid-19 infection, we have a duty to protect the school community so that we can maximise the number of staff and pupils in school to ensure the best possible educational outcomes and the wellbeing of all.
Therefore we are asking parents to follow these guidelines:
- Pupils who are unwell and have a high temperature or are displaying symptoms of a respiratory infection, should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can come back to school when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.
- Pupils with a positive Covid-19 test result should stay at home for 3 days and avoid contact with other people as this is when they are most infectious. This also applies if they have a positive test result but are displaying no symptoms.
Please refer to the links below for further guidance on symptoms of Covid-19 and Respiratory infections.
Useful links