St Oswald's CofE Academy

"I can do all things through him who gives me strength"

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Year 5 Class 2024/25

Welcome to Year 5!


Who's Who?

Mrs Long - Class Teacher


Mrs Artingstall - Teaching Assistant
Mrs AslamTeaching Assistant

Mrs Charm - Teaching Assistant




Children should be reading regularly to an adult at home - minimum of 3 times per week. Children are responsible for changing their own reading book at any suitable time throughout the week. Reading records are checked weekly and the number of times your child has read is noted down. Reading is rewarded with a reading certificate and gold coin after every 30th log in their record.  Research has shown that reading at home helps children to make progress at school.


Homework & Spellings

Children will be given spellings  on Mondays.Children will be tested on Friday. It is recommended that spellings are practised for a short period daily.  Children should also be practising on TimesTable Rockstar to help with their fluency of times tables.  The program tailors the tables set for the child based on their individual needs. There will be extra homework pieces added in throughout the year to support learning.



PE lessons will take place every Monday afternoon. Children should come to school wearing their full PE kit (navy/black joggers or shorts, house colour/white t-shirt, and dark jogging top or blue school jumper). If children arrive in the wrong (or no) PE kit, they may be asked to change into a spare school PE kit.


Forest School

Children in Year 5 have Forest School on a Thursday.


Texts we will be studying during the Spring Term.

We will be writing narratives, descriptions, persuasive texts and explanations.

Maths Spring Term

Spring Term Science

Geography - Protecting Our Planet

In RE this term we will be thinking about the big questions:


Do religions change or stay the same?



What did Jesus do to save human beings?

Year 5 Spelling Spring Overview
