St Oswald's CofE Academy

"I can do all things through him who gives me strength"

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Reception Class 2024/2025

Welcome to Reception


Who's who

Miss Courtenay -Class Teacher

Miss Burrell - Learning Support Assistant

Welcome to our Reception class page. Here is some information about our class that you may find useful.



Children will initially have a picture book which they can share with you, discussing what is happening in the book. Below is a link with some more information on how you can support your child with wordless books. When your child has learnt their first phonemes taught in class and is able to segment and blend words, they will have a reading book with words in. Below is a link with some information on supporting your child with reading at home. 

Please hear your child read 3 times a week, for about 5 minutes, and sign their reading diary. Reading certificates are awarded after every 20th log in their reading diary. Reading Books and reading diaries should be brought into school every day.

Children will also bring home a shared reading book each week, chosen by your child from the school library. This book can be shared and read together with your child.


Links to videos 

Supporting you child with wordless books

Supporting your child with reading

How we teach blending

How we teach tricky words


We send weekly home communication detailing what has been taught during the week through Class Dojo. There will be a suggested activity which you may like to do with your child to support our learning in school. 



PE for Reception will take place every Thursday. Children can come to school wearing their full PE kit

(navy/black joggers or shorts, house colour/white t-shirt and dark jogging top or blue school jumper).




Autumn 1 Highlights 


Week 1

We have had a lovely week exploring our classroom this week. We also enjoyed looking at the different features of our faces in the mirror and painting them. 

Week 2

This week we have been talking about families. We enjoyed talking about how families can all be different and had a go at drawing the different people in our families. 

Week 3 

We've had lots of fun exploring google maps and finding out about the different types of houses we live in this week. 

Week 4

We discovered lots of different creatures hiding in our outside area this week. We used the magnifying glasses to get a closer look at the different patterns on the snails shells. Whilst outside we even saw a heron land on our field!


Week 5

We found that co-operations and team work were really needed in our outside area this week. 

We enjoyed planning and exploring how we could reach the top of our tower to make it taller.



Week 6

We've had a great week in Reception this week, we've enjoyed pouring, scooping and filling with sand and water, carefully selecting which tools are best for the job. 
We've worked hard to compare numbers and use the vocabulary 'more than, equal to and the same.'
On Thursday we learnt all about being a safe pedestrian. We practised staying on the pavement, looking and listening for traffic as well as holding hands and crossing the road when walking.
`Pictures of children taking part in Road Safety activity using the road safety code 


Week 7


This week our nursery rhyme is Little Miss Muffet. The children have enjoyed singing and listening to the rhyme today. Below is a link to the rhyme if you would like to practise it with your child.

Little Miss Muffet Rhyme

Our book this week is Super Duper You by Sophy Henn we are going to be thinking about all of the things that make us special and unique.


The book cover for Super Duper You by Sophy Henn, Yellow background with different objects such as cars, swords, rollerskates and sunshines doddled 


Week 8


This week, we ventured out around the school grounds looking at the signs of autumn. We collected leaves, conkers, acorns and pinecones. We looked closely at the different colours and spoke about seasonal changes. We used the photographs and leaves that we collected, to help us mix paints of the the correct shades, to create our own autumn trees. 

Phonics in Reception 

At St Oswald's we use the Little Wandle Scheme. Below is a link to the website which contains lots of useful information to parents. 

Little Wandle Parents Resources



Week 1 - 9th September

The phonemes we have learnt this week are s, a, t, p

Week 1

Week 2 - 16th September

The phonemes we have learnt this week are i, n, m, d

week 2 phonics, i, n, m, d

Week 3 - 23rd September

The phonemes we have learnt this week are g, o, c, k

Week 4 - 30th September

The phonemes we have learnt this week are ck, e, u, r

Week 5 - 7th October

The phonemes we have learnt this week are h, b, f, l



Week 7 - 13th October 


This week is review week we are going to recap all of the phonemes and skills we have learnt over the last 5 weeks. 


Autumn 2

We have now learnt al of the below sounds. 
Please keep practising these sounds at home. Maybe go on a sound hunt and see which sounds you can spot around your house in in the supermarket whilst you shop. 

Phase 2 sounds sheet 1 of 2 contains the sounds j, v, w, x, y, and z
Phase 2 sounds sheet 2 of 2 contains the sounds qu, ch, sh, th, ng. nk


This link here allows you to see how the sounds are pronounced if you are unsure. 

Video to sounds taught in Reception in Autumn 2
