St Oswald's CofE Academy

"I can do all things through him who gives me strength"

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Year 6 Class 2024/25

Welcome to Year 6!


Who's Who?

Miss White - Class Teacher

Ms Evans - Teaching Assistant (Monday-Thursday)




Children should be reading regularly to an adult at home - minimum of 3 times per week. Children are responsible for changing their own reading book at any suitable time throughout the week. Reading records are checked every week and the number of times your child has read is noted down. Reading is rewarded with a reading certificate and gold coin after every 30th log in their record.


Homework & Spellings

All homework is set on Monday and tested/marked the following Monday. Children will be given a typed copy of their spelling words. It is recommended that spellings are practised for a short period daily. Two pages of maths practise will also be set to complete in your child's Maths SATs revision book.



PE lessons will take place every Monday afternoon. Children should come to school wearing their full PE kit (navy/black joggers or shorts, house colour/white t-shirt, and dark jogging top or blue school jumper). If children arrive in the wrong (or no) PE kit, they may be asked to change into a spare school PE kit.



Spring Term - 2025



In our first Spring half term we will be reading The Memory Cage by Ruth Eastham. We will go on to write a selection of outcomes inspired by this book. Children are encouraged to write for pleasure outside of school, and this will provide further opportunities for them to use new and old skills.



We will resume our maths learning with a unit on fractions, decimals and percentages. We will then move on to a unit of area, perimeter and volume, and statistics. It is vital that children are confident in their multiplication tables, and using the formal written method to calculate problems involving the four operations, in order for them to have the best opportunity to succeed in Year 6.



Our next unit is all about Living Things and their Habitats. In this unit, children will learn to use classification keys to identify a range of living things. Children will recap previous learning on classes of animals, as well as learn about micro-organisms including fungi, protists and monera. Children will also learn how bacteria and viruses can spread.



'Blitz!' is our history topic for this term. It involves learning about World War Two, and the impact on daily life, particularly in our locality. Children will learn why the war began and how it ended, which countries were involved, how daily life and the role of women changed, why Coventry was targeted,  why Winston Churchill is significant, and how WWII is remembered today.
