Events & Achievements
Class specific events can be found on individual class pages. From the Home Page, go to School Life, Class Pages and select your child's class.
Parent Comments - Parents Evening March 2023
April 2022
On Thursday 7th April we had our Easter service at St Matthew and St Oswald's Church.
Year 1 to Year 6 attended church and children in Years 3 and 4 provided super performances as part of the service. We are delighted to share their Easter songs with you on the videos below.
When I think about the cross.
February 2022
Our fortnightly Open the Book assemblies continued, bringing bible stories to life for the children. Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed being part of the action.
Our reflection board for February linked to St Valentines Day and school values of co-operation and friendship. It encouraged children to show friendship, kindness and compassion.
January 2022
Our reflection board for Spring 1 2022 looks at the 'Rights and Responsibilities of Children'. This links to all of our school values of co-operation, perseverance, courage, friendship, service and stewardship.
December 2021
Whoops a Daisy Angel !
We were delighted to be able to welcome parents of Year 1 and Year 2 children to enjoy a traditional Christmas nativity. We hope all of you will enjoy this years performance.
Whoops a Daisy Angel - Part 1
Whoops a Daisy Angel - Part 2
Whoops a Daisy Angel - Part 3
Whoops a Daisy Angel - Part 4
Whoops a Daisy Angel - Part 5
Whoops a Daisy Angel - Part 6
Whoops a Daisy Angel - Part 7
November 2021
Children in Need
School came together to raise money for this worthy cause. Funny hats/hair/headwear and odd socks were the order of the day !!
Our reflection board for Autumn 2 looks at Remembrance and the sacrifices made in
World I and II. This links to our school values of service and courage.
October 2021
It was absolutely amazing to have our very own swimming pool for the last three weeks in Autumn 1. All children from Years 1 to 6 were able to enjoy the experience. For pupils in Years 4 to 6, they benefitted from daily swimming over a two week period. The improvement and water confidence gained over this time was brilliant. A special thank you to the staff who stepped in to supervise and ensure that everything went smoothly. It has been so successful, we hope to do the same again in Autumn 2022.
Our 'Open the Book' assemblies every two weeks have helped us to understand more about stories in the bible. Visitors from M2O bring bible stories to life.
Our annual Harvest assembly.
Thank you all for your generous donations of both food items and cash. The food has been donated to our local Food Bank, who came to school to collect the items and the cash has been donated to WaterAid, the nominated charity of our Year 6 pupils.
September 2021
Year 6 visit to Rock UK. What a great few days learning new skills, testing ourselves and team building.
Forest School starts again. It's great to be outdoors !!
Our reflection board for Autumn 1 looks at where our school name came from and links to our school values of friendship and co-operation.
A look back in the archives.