St Oswald's CofE Academy

"I can do all things through him who gives me strength"

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Year 1 Class 2024/2025

Welcome to Year 1


Year 1 Team:

Miss Southarn - Class Teacher

Mrs Illingworth - Class Teacher

Mrs Stothard- Learning Support Assistant



Spring Term 2025


This term we have lots of exciting topics.  Please find some information below that tells you about our learning:




In Year 1, we explore a variety of fiction texts, non-fiction texts and poetry exposing children to a wide variety of narratives and rich vocabulary texts.  We incorporate drama to immerse children in story telling and role play enabling them to become familiar with the characters and story plots.  Children will orally retell stories and descriptions and begin to write words and sentences using their phonics skills.  Below are the texts we will be exploring in the Spring Term:




Children read three times a week in small guiding reading groups taught by an adult within school.  Children are regularly assessed and given a reading book that supports the phonics phase they are currently working at.  Children will bring home their phonics reading book every Thursday.  We encourage children to read with a grown up at least three times a week and we ask that children's diaries are signed each time they have been heard read.   Below are some useful references for questions to ask children as they read.


Reading certificates are awarded after every twentieth log in their reading diary.  Children will also bring home a shared reading book each week chosen from the school library.  This book  should be read with your child as it may contain some words that your child is unable to decode and read independently.   Reading books need to be back in school on a Wednesday to be changed.






We follow the Little Wandle Phonics Scheme and children will have daily phonics lessons.  Phonics is extremely important part of a child's learning as it enables them to develop and become fluent, independent readers as they move up school.  In the Summer Term, Children in Year 1 will undertake the Phonics Screening Check.  This is a short statutory assessment that assesses a child's ability to decode and read real and nonsense words.  



In Maths, children will be developing and consolidating their knowledge and understanding of addition and subtraction within 20.  They will be using a variety of concrete and pictorial resources to support their understanding eventually moving on to more abstract concepts.  This is really important as it supports the development of 'number sense' and counting fluency.  A breakdown of the Maths curriculum for the Spring Term can be found below:





Our Science topic this term is Animals including Humans.   Children will be working scientifically to identify and name a variety of different animals using key scientific language to describe and compare them.  Children will continue to look at seasonal changes and describing the changes they can see over time.



Our topic this term is London's Burning.

In Geography, we will be locating all four countries of the United Kingdom on a map and their capital cities.  We will be locating some London landmarks and finding out more about them.

In History, we will be learning about The Great Fire of London - a key historical event.  We will be thinking about Why it happened? How it happened and what caused the fire to spread.




This term, children will be comparing different religions and world views.  Children will be focusing on the question - Where do people turn for guidance in life?



This term, children will be thinking about their own dreams and goals and how they can achieve their aspirations through a positive mindset and with resilience.



PE and Forest School

PE shall be taught on a Wednesday afternoon - children should  come into school in their PE Kit.  Please see the school uniform policy for acceptable PE clothes.  Please note there will be NO Forest School this term - this will re-commence in the Summer Term.




Autumn 2 Highlights

Spring 1 Highlights
