St Oswald's CofE Academy

"I can do all things through him who gives me strength"

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Religious Education

The main objective of our Religious Studies is to provide varied and enriching lessons that effectively prepare our students for life in a culturally diverse modern world. We aim to promote an awareness of the usefulness of Religious Studies to everyday living, to encourage enthusiasm for interest in the study of other people’s beliefs and to promote mutual respect, tolerance and understanding across different cultures and communities.



The RE Long-Term Plan contains a mixture between the Understanding Christianity scheme of work and the Coventry and Warwickshire Religion & Worldviews agreed syllabus. This gives our pupils the opportunity to understand people’s beliefs, compare them with their own and learn to respect each other’s worldviews and faith.


The teaching of RE involves some direct teaching and whole class, group, paired or individual activities.  A range of teaching styles are used including enquiry, exploration, discussion, asking and answering questions, artefacts, visits and faith visitors, this ensures pupils are actively engaged in their learning. They also learn through other curriculum areas such as art, music, creative writing and drama.


Christianity is taught through EYFS, Key stage 1 and Key stage 2.  Aspects of the other five principal religions are also explored.



Right for Parents to Withdraw their Children from RE, Collective Worship & Sex & Relationship Education

In England and Wales parents have the statutory right under Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to withdraw their children from RE lessons and acts of Collective Worship in schools. You can also request a withdrawal from any subjects/ lessons/assemblies involving discussions on the topic of sex and relationships.

As parents you are not obliged to give a reason for requesting the withdrawal.

However, before exercising any right of withdrawal, we would recommend you discuss your concerns with the class teacher or Head of School. 

Should a pupil be withdrawn from those learning activities/lessons, they will be directed to supplementary topic lessons instead.

Requests for withdrawals are made in writing


RE Long Term Plan (2024-2025)

If you have any questions or you are able to offer your time as a representative of a world religion/worldview to visit a class and answers children's questions, please feel free to contact the RE Lead via the school office.


Kind regards,

Mrs Farooq

R.E Lead
