St Oswald's CofE Academy

"I can do all things through him who gives me strength"

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Year 4 Class 2024/25

Welcome to Year 4!


Who's who

Mrs Farooq - Class Teacher

Mrs Bishop - Learning Support Assistant



Children should be reading regularly to an adult at home - at minimum of 3 times a week.  Year 4 home reading books can be changed every Tuesday and Friday. Reading Records are checked every Friday and the number of times your child had read is noted down. Reading certificates are awarded every 20th log in their record. 



Homework: Spellings, Reading and Times Tables

Year 4 children will take home one piece of homework every Friday which will have a spelling focus. These words will be tested in a written spelling test in school the following Friday.  We recommend that spellings are practiced every day. 

Children will also take home a new reading book every Friday.  This book will correspond with their reading level in school.  Children are encouraged to read for 10 minutes every day.  Reading can be recorded in their red reading logs.

When testing times tables, focus on facts that children are unable to recall automatically. All children have access to Times Tables Rockstars and should be practising for 10 minutes each day. All Year 4's in the country have a multiplication assessment at the end of the year and this is the best way to practice for that. 


P.E and Forest School

P.E will take place every Tuesday. Children should come into school wearing their full P.E kit (navy/black joggers or shorts, house colour/white t-shirt and dark jogging top or blue school jumper).

Forest School will take place every Friday. Please ensure that your child brings in their correct kit.


Spring Term 2025



This term, we will be looking at the text ‘Tuesday’ and write a narrative to accompany a part of the text. We will also look at a non-fiction text 'The Romans' which is based on our History topic 'Roman Invaders'. Children will use this text to write their own non-chronological report linked to the Romans.  In the second half term, we will read a classic fiction  'The Iron Man’ and write a diary entry from the main character's perspective and write a journalistic recount. 



During this term, we will continue to focus on multiplication and division, with a key focus on multiplying and dividing two digit and three digit numbers. We will then move on to length and perimeter where children will learn to calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. Later in the term, we will begin our learning on fractions. Children will learn to compare/order mixed numbers, convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and adding and subtracting fractions. 



During this term, we will be learning about states of matter.  In this unit, children will be comparing/grouping materials into solids, liquids and gases. Children will also be exploring evaporation and condensation and identifying the part they play in the water cycle. In the second half term, we will learning about digestion! Children will describe the functions of the parts of the digestive system and teeth in humans. 



Our History unit for this term will be Roman Invaders! Children will be learning about where the Romans came from, why they invaded Britain and the daily life of Romans living in Britain. Children will learn about how the Romans modernised Britain and the legacy they left! In Spring 2, children will also have the exciting opportunity to attend a Romans Day at St John's House!

'Roman Invaders’ Knowledge Organiser

Autumn Highlights!

Maths Open Afternoon!
