Nursery Class 2024/2025
Welcome to Nursery
Who's who
Mrs Greer - Senior Early Years Practitioner/Class Teacher
Miss Storey - Early Years Practitioner
Miss May - Early Years Student
Welcome to our Nursery class page.
Here is some information about our class that you may find useful.
In Nursery we focus our learning to build prephonic skills before children begin phonics in Reception Class. The intention of prephonic skills is to develop children’s listening and attention skills, widening vocabulary and building opportunities to engage in conversation. In class we complete regular games and activities that focus on the seven aspects of prephonic skills. The challenges include listening to environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, exploring body percussion, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and beginning oral segmenting and blending. Alongside this through each topics explore core texts which we involve a wide range of activities to support learning and development. In class we have an inviting book corner and we ensure each day we explore singing and storytelling opportunities.
Home learning
in Nursery we invite our parents to undertake home learning tasks which are sent across weekly on Class Dojo. We are conscious that our families are very busy so task are planned to be a short or as long as your family wish to take. If family life has involved achievements, celebration and adventures we welcome families sharing this information so we are able to share this within class.
Each week the children are invited to take a book home from the Nursery Class lending library. The books available to borrow include a wide range of options to share with your child including tactile, sound and lift the flap books.
Nursery PE day is on Friday Morning. We encourage the children to independently take off their shoes and socks then explore a range of physical activities in the school hall. Across the week we access both indoor and outdoor physical activities including obstacle courses, using ride on toys, dancing and yoga to continually support the children's physical development.