St Oswald's CofE Academy

"I can do all things through him who gives me strength"

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The Owlery Before and After School Club

Before School - 8am to 8.45am

The Owlery Before School Club offers a light breakfast of cereal or toast with a drink, a variety of activities for our lively members, homework support for those who need it or just a quiet area to relax before the start of the school day. The staff will ensure that all children are delivered safely to their classes for the start of the school day. The cost is £3.50 per session.

After School - 3.15pm to 5.15pm

The Owlery After School Club will run from 3.15pm to 5.15pm each day during term time. The cost is £7.00 per session.


The Owlery After School Club offers a welcoming and engaging environment for children at the end of a busy school day. There are age appropriate activities for all children and half termly themed activities that they can take part in. Whether they want to relax or be more energetic, there will be activities to suit every child. Younger children are collected by staff from their class or after school club. In addition to the activities on offer, a light tea and drink is also provided.


The Owlery is based in the heart of the school building with excellent facilities for the children. They also have access to a secure outdoor learning area.


Please remember that The Owlery is open daily during term time for both before and after school clubs.


Bookings and payment are required in advance of attendance at any session


Please make bookings and pay via ParentPay, under the payment item ‘Breakfast Club’ for before school bookings and ‘After School Club’ for after school bookings (If your child has not attended The Owlery previously you will need to contact the school office so we can add you to ParentPay for Breakfast/Before School Club and After School Club bookings and payments) 

There will be no changes currently to cost of bookings. Breakfast/Before School Club will remain at £3.50 per child per session and After School Club will be £7.00 per child per session.

All bookings and payments are to be made in advance of the session and bookings can be made in advance of 100 days. You will only be charged if a session is booked and not cancelled within the cancellation period. The cancellation period is 24 hours prior to the booked session, if no notification of cancellation is received the session will be charged at the full rate. If a session is cancelled prior to the cancellation period the payment will be held as a credit.

Please be reminded that availability for the before and after school club is limited and spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage you to secure your child's place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. To make your bookings and payments, please log in to your ParentPay account. If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact our school office. 


Instructions to book


Please log in to ParentPay and select ‘pay for other items’ and then select booking option (Breakfast Club or After School Club) input an amount to cover the cost of your booking(s), then select w/c of the booking(s) you are making, the system will now show available dates for the week you have selected, click on book a session under the date(s) you require to book for and this will select the session(s) to book and finally confirm booking(s).
